Dog Daycare in Staunton, Virginia


Your search for dog daycare in Staunton, Virginia, ends at Blue Barn. Our friendly doggy daycare center includes indoor and outdoor play areas, providing your pups with free-range play. When your dog is a Blue Barn client, they won’t be locked in a cage all day or separated from the rest of the pack. We believe in free-range play and give you and your dogs the best possible experience. Dogs run free, socialize, and play all within Blue Barn’s convenient location close to downtown. Our campus consists of indoor and outdoor play areas which are fun, safe and supervised 24/7. Best of all, Blue Barn is 100% cage free for daycare. For overnight we offer home style crating and cage free boarding. Your dog will receive exceptional care by our attentive staff, who are certified in dog CPR and first aid.

Passionate about
your pups


Have the confidence to head out and focus on your work, the day's activities, or vacation, knowing that your furry friend will be well taken care of. With our all-day program, you can drop off your canine companion in the morning and have them back with you by night.


We offer Dog boarding with someone at the barn 24/7. No dog will be left alone. Give yourself and your four-legged friend the vacation you both deserve with our boarding program. We give families peace of mind while letting dogs be themselves and make new friends. We prioritize your dogs safety and will try to accommodate any request while boarding at Blue Barn.


Running errands and need to drop your dog off for a few hours? Going on vacation and need dog boarding in Staunton, Virginia? Current customers of Blue Barn enjoy the convenience of being able to drop off pups without notice, for as long or short as necessary. Our passion for dogs and providing an open and caring environment for them to thrive drives our business. We look forward to meeting your furry friends.


The purpose of Blue Barn is to provide a safe, fun, and stimulating environment with an emphasis on positive experiences that include interaction and socialization with other friendly dogs. To ensure the safety and health of all our dogs, we require that everyone comply with the following rules and requirements.

Age: All dogs must be at least 4 months of age to attend for Daycare or Boarding.

Gender: All dogs MUST be spayed or neutered to attend for Daycare or Boarding. (Puppies under 8 Months can come but will need to be fixed after 8 months to attend. If female goes into heat before 8 months they will not be allowed back until after they are spayed.

Required Vaccinations: All dogs entering the facility must have up-to-date vaccinations on record. Owners must submit proof from their Veterinarian that their dog is current on the following vaccinations:

  • Rabies

  • Bordetella

  • DHPP OR DAPP (Distemper/Parvo/Parainfluenza)

Parasite Prevention: All dogs entering the facility must be free of parasites, including fleas, ticks and intestinal parasites.

Location: Dogs need to be from the surrounding area. No out of state dogs or dogs just visiting. This is to keep our dogs from getting sick.

Shelter Dogs: All dogs taken from a shelter will need 21 days at your home before we can accept them.

Health: All dogs entering the facility must be in good health and free from any condition that could potentially jeopardize the health of other dogs. Dogs that have been ill with a communicable ailment in the last 30 days will require veterinarian certification of health to return to Daycare.

Behavior: All dogs attending Daycare must have never shown any signs of aggression towards other dogs or people. All “parents” will need to certify that their dog has no history of aggression.

Enrollment: All dogs attending Daycare must have completed our enrollment process and passed their assessment.

Dress Code: All dogs attending Daycare or Boarding must arrive and leave on a leash. Due to risk of injury dogs we might remove collars during playtime.

Restrictions: Blue Barn reserves the right to refuse enrollment to any dog at any time for any reason. Please be advised that our environment is not suited for every dog and safety is of the utmost importance. If we feel a dog will create an unsafe environment for themselves or anyone else based on any behavior we encounter, they will not be able to participate in our program.

A typical day at Blue Barn

6:00am-7:00am Boarded dog wake up, go potty, and eat breakfast

7:00am Doors open at Blue Barn

7:00am-11:59am Dog receives playtime with staff and enrichment

12:00pm-2:00pm Naptime starts where we go inside and hang out without any toys. We cuddle the dogs and make a nice calm environment for them to enjoy.

2:00pm-3:00pm Dogs are back running around outside and having fun

3:00pm-7:00pm Dogs are chill and we have front porch time/yard or inside and play depending on weather

7:00pm-10:00pm Boarding dogs get last cuddles of the day, dinner, and settle down for bedtime

We have an HVAC system so if we think its too hot or cold outside we will come inside and take small breaks throughout the day just to make sure everyone is comfortable.